It was in 2013 when the nightmare began.
There I was standing in the gloomy grey waiting area of the court house anticipating fear.
All the unknowns were at the expense of someone else's fingertips and I had no control.
There an attorney took advantage of me by saying I was not being cooperative and just like an abuser, got in my face…… as my tears and fear were seen from a distance.
How do I know this? Because there, in that moment, an Angel came up to me with a warm smile and big sweet eyes that I know have seen more. I was shaken up and this Angel introduced herself, "Hi I'm Karen Messina."
Karen from that moment you took the time, saw my tears and understood a real victim.
Not only was I in a power struggle as an innocent Mother trying fight for my maternal rights I was also dealing with the tactics to brand me, as many husband's attorney’s often do to win their cases.
Karen has risen up herself and shares her wisdom and her heart is big! Thank you is just simply NOT enough. You’re an Angel 🙏💜 Julie
I started working with Karen Messina when I was feeling lost in my life. I came to her when I was at my lowest point and she literally saved my life. Over the course of several months, Karen helped me tap into my inner strength and defuse negative self-talk that I’ve become accustomed to while being in a bad relationship. She showed me that nothing is beyond repair and helped me put everything in perspective.
She was able to help me work on myself internally so that I could reflect it on the outside. Through her sessions, I was able to retrain my mind and develop my own daily ritual that would benefit my mind, body and soul. Her use of meditation and mindfulness techniques has proven very helpful to calm my mind and soothe my spirit. With Karen’s help I was able to focus on my motivations in life, future projects, financial goals and opportunities I’ve been too afraid to pursue.
I highly recommend Karen as a life coach. She has a genuine, sweet, yet strong soul. She was incredibly personable and easy to open up to. She has a lot of knowledge and does a great job sharing those insights. The tools I learned with her can now be used throughout my entire life, for any situation. Thanks to Karen Messina I’ve finally found my happy place and my calling in life.
I now know that everything is possible in life. I am incredibly happy with the path I have chosen for myself and I would highly recommend Karen to anyone going through struggles in life, whether it be a personal relationship or career.
I had finally, after several attempts of leaving a long-term abusive marriage, departed from my marital home. Without knowing the first thing about how to navigate the legal system, lack of laws, minimum recovery support or resources available to women in my situation, Karen was a blessing in disguise.
With Karen’s help and support I was able to connect with other women and resources that would not have otherwise been brought to my attention. Her personal support and her generosity with her time, personal experiences, empathy, supportive skills and knowledge of how to navigate a flawed and broken court system were invaluable to me on many levels. I can honestly say that if it were not for her diligence in calling to check on me and asking me what I needed throughout an ordeal that lasted over three years, I would not have fared through the process as well as I did.
Karen truly cared about me and the other women that she so warmly welcomed into her home for support groups and continued to support through some of the most difficult times of our lives.
Learning new skills and rebuilding self-esteem while suffering from the loss of love and in many situations being removed from our homes, kept from our children and dealing with high levels of grief, despair, confusion and fear, Karen remained a constant rock and support at all times throughout the day and night.
I would recommend Karen as a true professional and a genuine and caring person on every level that there is. She has built a foundation of knowledge from personal experience and has done a tremendous amount of work on herself and has utilized that knowledge with continued education and the gift of agape love paying it forward to help others that are struggling or want to improve their lives.
Karen G.
I had found myself in a very dark place. I am a senior citizen and thought at this phase of my life my problems would be minimal. Thinking the past is way behind me and I could live in the present and plan for the future. How foolish of me.
Throughout my life I have had many ups and downs. I have been in counseling several times. I never felt this helped me. It only brought up my troubled life that I did not want to go back to.
I don’t exactly remember how Karen came into my life but when I contacted her, I saw a bright light. I loved the fact I did not have to relive my life. I loved that her coaching is the present and the future. I loved I could text her if I was in a difficult place and her response was almost immediate. No waiting hours or days for a response.
She always pulled me back out of the pool I was being pulled into. Her direction is right on. She is one of the kindest women I have shared my life with. Her coaching filled such a void in my life at a extremely difficult.
She will change your life and you will find the comfort, enthusiasm and peace you deserve.
I am a survivor of domestic abuse that included mental, emotional, financial and physical violence for more than 10 years of my life. From the couch surfing, hiding, pleas for anyone to listen to me, came a name - Karen Messina. She was an advocate working with several contacts I had reached out to for help in 2011.
My situation at the time was unprecedented in this community. Time after time, my 32 arrest warrants fell on deaf ears to the local courts and Judges or agencies touted to be able to provide assistance. The glaring lack of support and laws surrounding domestic partner and stalking in the court system was horrifically failing me and many others. I met Karen at a time I thought there was no way out. I had nothing left in me. She was my rock.
I am beyond thankful to have met and still have a close relationship with her to this day. She went above and beyond to help me fight, a still broken process and never give up.
The days when I had nowhere to turn, she helped me make one more call or look up yet another possible resource.
Many times, she would accompany me to a meeting or court date. She was an advocate for those who had no one or did not know where to turn. She was and still is my cheerleader, sounding board and friend, guiding me through life choices, changes and growth. She helped me overcome abuse I thought I would never get out the other end of and thrive.
Being a part of community events and fundraising with local agencies was a great experience alongside Karen and many others that had become survivors. To wake up every day and be in my own place, feel safe from harm and no longer having to hide was in itself miraculous but to be surrounded by such support, love and bonding, was and still is, amazingly rewarding.
Thank you so much. I still can't believe how far I've come and by the grace of God and having people like you that were placed into my path I am definitely a success story. (((HUGS))) 9.3.19
Truly cares about the person she is speaking with. Great insight. A great listener and gets where you are in your life and in one conversation, starting to change. 8/27/19
Thanks a lot! You always post great things about relationships that my husband and I enjoy.
Karen was there for me during my darkest days. She helped me through a very negative situation and now I am forever grateful. Thank you so much, Mikayla
Thank you for always being there for me and always supporting everything I tried to do.
I am so thankful God brought you into my life! You are such a joy. Thank you, Suzanne
You helped my daughter get past the worst time in her life. I will be forever grateful. Joyce
I will always be thankful for the kindness, support and legal assistance you gave me. You came into my life at the perfect time. God bless and be well. T.
I just want to say thank you for your helping words of encouragement. S.
Thank you for being the change the world needs and all you do every day!!! Karen B.