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Do you need to figure out how to move past a negative situation?

OK, so you feel stuck and unable to move past your current situation. What can we do? First, we need to realize the cause of your feelings. Let’s start with the circumstance. Identify what it is that is holding you back? For example, you keep ending up with the same type of partner and you can’t seem to move into a more meaningful relationship.

What is the Circumstance here? It is the current relationship. So, what do you think about that relationship issue? Maybe you are thinking that I can’t find a quality partner. I’m not good enough for the kind of partner that I want. It will take too much energy to find what I am looking for.

How does that make you feel? You probably feel sad or defeated or hopeless, right?

That feeling will cause you to take action or not take action. My guess is you are not taking any action because it is too much work or you feel hopeless. Your actions will cause your results.

The results will then be, you won’t try to find someone new because it is too much work and it won’t work anyway and you don’t feel worthy of the kind of person you really want.

It all sounds pretty bleak, right?

Now, let’s turn that around. How can we change your thinking to change everything else?

First, let’s look at the circumstance: your current relationship is either non-existent or not fulfilling.

New Thought: I think that I will try a dating site. I think I will go into another part of town to meet people that will change my direction on things. I think I will challenge myself to date 10 people in a month so that maybe one of those 10 will be a match for me.

New Feeling: This is exciting. I can’t wait to see what is out there in other parts of town. I like the idea of a dating site so that I can talk and get to know people before ever getting all dressed up and going out on a date. Maybe out of 10 people, I can find the right 1 person for me.

New Action: Taking more care as to how I look and how I show up in the world. Researching the parts of town that could be exciting to hang out in, meet and mingle with new people. It will be fun researching dating sites to explore that new idea.

New Result: I look better, feel better and am finally excited about my future and possible outcomes.

Does that make sense? Do you need help getting out of your rut? If so, go to my webpage and sign up for my mini session. Let’s work it out together.


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