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Writer's pictureKaren Messina McDonnell


Trauma is never about what happened to you, but rather how you responded to it.

This topic seems to be lost in the shuffle of life and is causing much havoc for people. Because we think we have not been traumatized or have not survived anything in our life, we are not seeing the root causes of why we feel stuck.

Let me list the types of trauma that exist:

Soul sucking job

Stress and depression


Toxic relationships


Chronic illness


Inflammatory foods

The news

Accidents in surgeries

Neglect (intentional or otherwise)

If you witnessed violence

Forced displacement


Here is one that manifests with me An abusive relationships

Losing something (a breakup, a divorce, separation)

Surprise threats….surprise you have cancer.

A diagnosis

Corporate trauma

Have you experienced any of these in your life? or witnessed a loved one experience them? These traumas in our lives have taught us how to cope and manage symptoms rather than "deal" with them.

There are 2 kinds of coping skills, Low level coping and high level coping.

Low level coping looks like this:

Drugs, alcohol, gossip, low paying soul sucking job, toxic relationships, addiction, blame, victim loop, abuse, racism, etc.

High level coping consists of taking some action but not enough to change the outcome such as learning meditation, eating healthy and doing a juice cleanse, reading self help books, taking endless motivational courses or attending seminars.

The problem is that if you don't find the ROOT CAUSE you will still be in your abusive relationship but you will just be coping better with it. Or you will still be allowing yourself to be bullied right after you meditate, therefore coping better and allowing this to continue.

You have to take massive action rather than passive action. Finding the root cause of your pain or trauma is the first step to healing.

Does that make sense? If you want to learn more, sign up for your free mini session on my web page.


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